Department Structure
Departmental Structure
To work effectively departmental work is divided in faculties. Each faculty is enrolled in various activities in department and institute. HOD is the key person to manage those activities through the faculty and support them to enhance their performance.
Mentoring System
It is important to improve academic performance of student. We can achieve this with effective mentoring system. In Sharad Institute of Technology, Polytechnic mentoring is implemented science its inception. It is considered one of the important pillar to develop quality student with good academic performance as well as professional personality for working in their respective field of work.
Mentors have to perform various tasks such as maintaining academic and personal details of student. Mentor also observes his / her behavior in class, campus and will take corrective action if needed. He collect feedbacks from student for improving the teaching quality, infrastructure.
Once in semester parents meet is held, where sessional marks of student are presented to their parents. To invite parents for parent meet letters are sent by the mentor, which contains sessional marks and his attendance till date and remark if needed. In parents meet thoughts of parents or feedback is collected to improve the academic performance and mentoring system.
For each class 3 mentors are required, where for each mentor has to look after 20- 25 students. Performance of mentor is checked by the mentor head as well as H.O.D.
Mentors list:
CLASS | Name of Mentor | Batch |
SY CIVIL (CLASS A) | Ms.P.S.Chougule Mr.T.M.Khurape | C1 C2 |
SY CIVIL (CLASS B) | Ms.A.A.Chudmunge Ms.P.T.Powar | C3 C4 |
TY CIVIL | Ms.A.H.Dhanwani Mr.S.K.Bhavikatti Ms.S.S.Ugare Mr.A.B.Jadhav | C! C2 C3 C4 |